The number of words in the Arabic language is 12,302,912 without repetition. That is, more than 20 times the number of English words, 600,000 words, and this linguistic indicator indicates the richness of the Arabic language compared to other languages. Here are some wonders of such a rich language:
1- Every word that begins with the letter (kaf / K in English) often gives the meaning of containment, such as: “a bag, a planet, a cave, a shroud, a palm …etc.”.
2- Every word that begins with the letter (Ghain / gh in English) often gives the meaning of ambiguity and lack of clarity, such as: “Cloud, clouds, dust, treachery (it means the enemy’s lack of clarity), stupid (who is the fool, the one to whom nothing is clear and who does not distinguish between right and wrong).
3- Every word that contains two letters (Jim / G in English and Noon / N in English) gives the meaning of concealment, such as: “The fetus, the jinn, the garden, and it is the earth that is surrounded by trees, so what is inside it does not appear, the mad person, and he is the one whose mind is hidden and concealed.”
4- One of the wonders is what is called “Nahat”, which is that some letters, however combined, give one meaning, such as: The letters “B H R”, however they are combined, give the meaning of hugeness and breadth (sea, ink, war).
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