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Do you know that Arabic has sounds that do not exist in other languages? The Arabic language was called “The language of Dhaad” because it is the only letter that exists in the Arabic language and is not found in any other language in the world, and the Arabs are the most fluent who pronounced
the letter “Dhaad” “ض”.

The Arab tribes were characterized by their ability to pronounce the letter “Dhaad” easily without feeling suffering, and then people who did not speak Arabic found great difficulty in finding an alternative sound that expresses the letter “Dhaad” in their languages.

There are also a few sounds that do not exist in other languages, such as ‘ح’ which is a ‘H’ sound as in ‘Hubb’ (love). after that to be able to pronounce this letter correctly, the sound needs to come deeply from your throat as if you are clearing it.

Arabic pronunciations that do not exist in other languages

There are many Arabic letters sounds pronunciations that do not exist in English.

In fact, of the 28 sounds that exist in modern Standard Arabic, only 10 are absent in English.

How many vowels and consonants are there in Arabic? Does Arabic have lowercase and uppercase? Are there too many punctuation marks? Does it sound like t p d e (end) go o (open) v w x?

While many languages ​​have many phonologically distinct dialects, contemporary colloquial Arabic is more appropriately described as the Arabic variety. MSA is used in written form in formal print media and in oral form in news broadcasts, final speeches and many types of formal statements.